I was born a dreamer. #
Ever since I have memory I recall being able to make reality my own and paint vivid images in front of me. The first memory of the sort was about a talking flower that whispered while it bloomed, I can still feel that moment, the raw emotion connected to that memory!
After that event, I was aware of the dream.
Awake or asleep it made no difference, my imagination and the material world were conspiring together for my benefit.
But something broke the spell. The reality I was born into was contaminated, it didn’t agree with the rules within me, it started imposing verdicts and limits on what I can and cannot do, extinguishing the fire within.
It was like being trapped in someone else’s dream, a bigger dream than mine, a collective dream that turned into a nightmare, with its own momentum and enough force to carry away and nullify your spirit.
I cannot remember how this came to be, but now I know th root of this emotion.
I was disillusioned with reality, the world around me sang a different song, it put a barrier between the inner world and the “real” world as they call it.
The chorus of this song was always the same, you cannot mix the world within with the material world.
If you wanted something in the “real” world, you had to follow the rules set for you, and then maybe if you were compliant enough, you would get your piece of happiness.
On and on and on the world was telling me this; “We brought you here, and if you want to be happy you should do this and that, otherwise…Oh, and in the end, you die, tough luck!”
I followed these rules, ignoring the fire within, which prompted me into a spiral of permanent confusion.
With every breath I took, I was denying reality, and I will explain why.
Right now, I know reality to be a mix of the spiritual and the material world. The material we can navigate, has its rules and we can make sense of it, but the spiritual? We don’t know, and we shouldn’t! It just works! And the combination of these two creates reality as we know it, which is pure consciousness, different degrees of it, but always the same essence. We are one.
Knowing this, I can see what happened…With every breath I took, I was denying reality because deep inside I knew it couldn’t be possible… you cannot mix these two worlds, right? So of course, with every step I took forward, I was also taking one back. I was and wasn’t at the same time.
But this cannot work. You would be stuck, forever, in the same moment.
Something has to work! Otherwise, we couldn’t have the reality we have right now.
So how does it work? How does the current dream work, and why? How it came to be? At which point it turned into a nightmare? How do other people contribute to this dream?
I was fed a lie and molded my reality around it, which made me perfectly capable of navigating a world full of deceit and danger, and I would be congratulated for it by everyone around me.
In other words, I became a responsible adult.
If reality can only be explained through the material, how do thoughts come to be? Are those not real? Who decides that?
Why cannot thoughts manifest in the material world? What are the limitations? Who was telling me I cannot be living my dream as I see fit?
It’s always the same, you either go one direction or another, but never through the middle.
This would explain why the world works on extremes and it is so hard to find common ground, we are so used to navigating the extremes we think that such is the essence of reality.
So what is causing this separation? Enter the MINION!
I made up this character, to explain my view on what this poisonous reality is creating, in my case, it’s a minion, in your case, it could be a Korean pop singer, it’s up to you.
This minion knows the rules of the game because we teach him. It’s our minion… it works for us…
It’s my subconscious making the best it can to build the material world around me.
And at some point, it learned (from the outside) that there are limits, rules, and conditions and that maybe it’s all your fault after all… Who set these constraints? Why?
You don’t leave the minion many options but to adapt to what the exterior world is mandating.
And oh boy, does the exterior have plans for you? Of course, it does! It has everything planned in your life up to the point you die!
Remember that you taught the minion to ignore the voice within, the one that your soul speaks, so any warning signs from within are silenced! You are fully immersed in the 3D, no escape!
And so, the minion starts working against us, it develops a will that is influenced by outside forces, and it keeps us trapped. Slowly draining us of energy.
Do you want to be happy? Get a job and earn money, money could bring happiness.
Do you want to be loved? Suck up to society’s standards.
Do you want to transcend? Come to church, as a boy preferably (wink Catholic church).
You will still receive your portion of happiness, but only after tax deduction by the people in charge, people who control a dream that is toxic to us but beneficial to them (the upper-crust dreamers).
But we go along, finding all the best excuses to justify this experience, even as it slowly kills us.
It would be easy to blame the minion and be done, but the minion is not outside us, IT IS US!
It is the dreamer who believed i4n a contradiction, which can have extreme consequences.
Imagine living a paradox!
You create monsters within you, and it could even be those monsters starting to materialize… you know… like believing a pandemic is the end of the world and then actually making it happen? It happened because people believed it, we weaved together a nightmare and we were so proud of it.
We managed to dream together, be together in a common cause… if only for the worse reasons of all, fear of living.
Misdirected dreamers can wreak havoc, creating a depression in the surrounding reality, and pulling other dreamers into that pit.
Dreamers that try to find the meaning of life in the exterior, always searching, always looking for something, never satisfied, and always longing for something they cannot grasp, like grass trying to grow back into the earth to find the roots, the fabled origins of existence…
Remember that.
Now go and grow into something beautiful!
You are me, I am another you, now dream on!
Inspirations #
This movie explained so well how the dissociation between mind and spirit can manifest in real life.
It has so much depth for the awakening dreamer!
Al final abrazos!
When you own your shadow, you free the soul!
Listen to the voice within, find your way!